Paper biology: Chapter 16 (first half)


  1. The movement in response to some chemicals is called:

a)hydrotropism       b)phototropism      c)chemotropism        d)thigmotropism

  1. The movement of plant parts in response to stimulus of water is called:

a)hydrotropism       b)phototropism   c)chemotropism                  d)thigmotropism

  1. An increase in plant girth due to the activity of vascular cambium is called:

a)primary               b)secondary                        c)tertiary       d)quaternary

  1. On or over the wound, the cambium forms:

a)callus     b)wood tissue                      c)both a & b              d)gall

  1. Arthritis covers over 100 different types of inflammatory or degenerative diseases that damage the

A)legs             b) joints                      c) arms                        d) all

  1. At distal end humerus forms hinge joint with:

a)radius       b)ulna                   c)tibia         d)both a & b

  1. At joint muscles work against each other by contraction. This relationship ‘is called:

a)hostile        b)antagonistic                 c)aggressive    d)opposed

  1. Spontaneous movements due to internal causes are:

a)paratonic   b)autonomic             c)tactic   d)taxis

  1. Ball & Socket joints allow the movement in:

a)one direction           b)two directions           c)four directions   d)several

  1. Fibroblasts and osteoblasts migrate into the fracture site and begin to construct
  2. a) bone       b)cartilage c)muscle                    d)joint.
  3. Fibrous Joints are held together by short fibres embedded in:

a)elastic         b)connective     c)fibrous                    d)none

  1. Both bones and cartilage consist of living cells embedded in the matrix of protein called:

a)collagen                                              b)keratin         c)insulin           d)fibrinogen

  1. Hydrostatic skeleton is found in:

a)cnidarians                  b)annelids         c)soft-bodied invertebrates         d)all a, b, c

  1. It has been observed that epinasty is due to:

a)gibberellins         b)abscisic acid     c)cytokinins      d)auxins

  1. The non-directional movements of parts of plant in response to external stimuli are:

a)Nastic movements   b)Tactic movements     c)Taxis           d)Kineses

  1. Oestrogen replacement therapy (ERT) offers the best protection against osteoporotic bone:

a)growths         b)fractures                                c)attachments           d)separation

  1. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts continue to migrate inward, multiply rapidly and gradually convert the soft callus into:

a)hard callus       b)stony callus             c)bony callus d)jolly callus

  1. Osteomaicia includes a number of disorders in which the bones receive inadequate:

a)water          b)gases                             c)blood                     d)minerals

  1. Pectoral girdle attaches the arms to the:

a)neck       b)trunk        c)head               d)hip

  1. Femur is the proximal bone which, with the hipbone, forms a

a)pivot joint         b)ball & socket joint c)hinge joint  d)both a & b   

  1. Fibro Cartilage forms:

a)external pinnae of ear                         b)epiglottis                c)eyes   d)both a & b

  1. Fibroblasts and osteoblasts migrate into the fracture site and begin to construct:

a)bone        b)cartilage     c)muscle                    d)joint,

  1. Fibrous Joints are held together by short fibers embedded in:

a)elastic       b)connective   c)fibrous    d)         none


Short Answers:

what are phototactic movements?

what is meant by herniated disc?

How and when bony callus is formed during repair of broken bone?

What is rickets?

Define ligaments

What are osteoblasts?

what is moulting?

Define photonasty

What is heart wood?

Define tonoplast

What is microcephaly?



write a note on joints