Tetany, symptoms, conditions and Treatment

Tetany is a medical condition characterized by involuntary muscle contractions and spasms, as well as abnormal sensations and nerve responses. It is caused by an imbalance in the levels of calcium and magnesium in the body, which can lead to overactivity of the nerve impulses that control muscle contractions.

Tetany: Signs, Causes, and Treatments

Tetanic leg muscles


The symptoms of tetany can vary, but may include muscle spasms and cramps, particularly in the hands and feet, abnormal sensations in the skin, difficulty speaking and swallowing, and abnormal eye movements. Tetany can also cause tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, and may lead to seizures in severe cases.


There are several conditions that can lead to tetany, including hypocalcemia (low blood calcium), hypomagnesemia (low blood magnesium), and alkalosis (a condition in which the body becomes too alkaline). These conditions can be caused by a variety of factors, including kidney disease, malnutrition, certain medications, and certain endocrine disorders.


Treatment for tetany typically involves correcting the underlying cause of the condition, such as increasing the levels of calcium or magnesium in the body. This may involve taking supplements, adjusting the dosage of medications, or making dietary changes. In severe cases, intravenous calcium or magnesium may be administered to help control muscle spasms and other symptoms.

It is important to seek medical attention if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of tetany. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and ensure that the condition is properly managed.