Which one of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
The organelle having two subunits
The organelle which is concerned with cell secretion
Ribosomes exists in two forms either attached to RER or
In mitochondria, small knob like structures called F1 particles are found in:
Which of the following is most slender structure
Cell structure involved in lipid synthesis
The inner membrane of mitochondria folded to form finger like structures called:
Self eating of lysosomes is called:
The entire cell wall of bacter is often regarded as a single huge molecule or molecular complex called
The cisternae breaks up into vesicles from ----,----of golgi
The enzymes of lysosomes are synthesized on:
In prokaryotic cell, cell wall strengthening materials:
Which statement is correct about mitochondria and chloroplast:
The process by which unwanted structures within the cell are engulfed and digested with lysosome is known as
The interior of the chloroplasts is divided into heterogenous structures embedded in the matrix known as:
In a plant cell chlorophyll is present in:
Group of ribosomes attached to single mRNA molecule
The structures that are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell are
Tay-Sach's disease is due to the presence of an enzyme that is inverted in the catabolism
Among followings which cellular organelle contains circular DNA similar to those found -in bacteria?
the organelles involved in detoxification of poisons and drugs
Which one of the following structures is present in both animal and plant cells but absent in prokaryotic cells?