Basidiomycota Archive


This is a large genus of fungi often synonymized with the term ‘mushrooms’, distributed mainly in temperate regions. Agaricus spp. are saprotrophs, growing in pastures and woodland litter. The mycelium is perennial and some species and some species, e.g. A. arvensis …

Dolipore septum

The transverse septa which divide both monokaryotic and dikaryotic hyphae into segments are incomplete; they contain a central pore which permits cytoplasmic continuity between adjacent segments. The septal pore is surrounded by a barrel-shaped flange of thickened wall material. Such …


Occurence: Puccinia includes about 700 species which are important as they cause rust dieseases of economically important crop plants such as wheat,barley, eats etc. The most important of all is P. graminis. It is an internal obligate parsite and is found …