Algae Archive


Division             :           Chlorophyta Class                 :           Chlorophyceae Order                :            Conjugates Sub-order          :           Zygnemoideae Family               :            Zygnemaceae Genus               :           Spirogyra OCCURRENCE Spirogyra (Gr. Speira, a coil, Gr. Gyros, twisted) is a large genus. It is found throughout the world in fresh …


Kingdom            :           Plantae Division             :            Chlorophyta Class                 :           Chlorophyceae Order                :            Volvocales Family               :            Chlamydomonadaceae Genus               :           Chlamydomonas (Gr. Chlamys, mantle; monas, single organism)   OCCURRENCE: It is widely distributed unicellular algae. It is found in …

Algae; Importance

    IMPORTANCE OF ALGAE Beneficial Aspects                  Algae have following beneficial effects: Source of food and fodder: i) Some algae contain high amounts of minerals, proteins and oils so are used as food for human beings e.g., Ulva, Spirogyra , …

Algae; Reproduction

  REPRODUCTION Algae reproduce vegetatively, asexually and sexually VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION A part is detached from the plant body and develop into new plant. Vegetative reproduction may takes place by one of the following methods. Fragmentation: parent plant is divided into …

Algae; Thallus forms

VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE/ THALLUS ORAGANIZATION Thalli of algae show a range of organization starting from unicellular form to highly organized multicellular habit. The algal thalli are grouped into the following, based on their organization; 1. Unicellular: Composed of single cells, they …

Algae; Occurrence

Algae are mostly aquatic organisms. They are present in both fresh and marine water. Algae may also be: I. Epiphytes: These algae grow on the surface of other plants. (Ulothric) II. Endophytes: These algae live inside the other plants. (Ulvella …


Occurrence Ectocarpus is a brown alga. It is abundantly found throughout the world in cold waters. A few species occur in fresh waters. The plant grows attached to rocks and stones along coasts. Some species are epiphytes on other algae …


Occurrence Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. It is found in clear, cool and running streams. Deep water plants are dark violet or reddish in colour. But the shallow water species are olive green. The intensity of light changes the colour …


Occurrence Polysiphonia is a marine alga. It is present along the coast of oceans. It is attached to the rocks or other substratum. Some members are epiphytes.   Vegetative structure Plant body is composed of branched filamentous and basal attachment …


Occurrence Pinnularia is a fresh water alga. It is found in pond. It is also present on the moist soil It is unicellular. Its cell is elongated and elliptical. Cell wall is chiefly composed of pectic substances. Silica is impregnated in …