Marsilea; a water fern

MARSILEA (Water fern)   Division             :           Pteridophyta Class                 :           Pteropsida Order                :           Polypodiales Family               :           Polypodiaceae Genus               :           Polypodium DISTRIBUTION: Marsilea is world-wide in distribution. Most …


Division             :           Chlorophyta Class                 :           Chlorophyceae Order                :            Conjugates Sub-order          :           Zygnemoideae Family               :            Zygnemaceae Genus               :           Spirogyra OCCURRENCE Spirogyra (Gr. Speira, a coil, Gr. Gyros, twisted) is …


Kingdom            :           Plantae Division             :            Chlorophyta Class                 :           Chlorophyceae Order                :            Volvocales Family               :            Chlamydomonadaceae Genus               :           Chlamydomonas (Gr. Chlamys, mantle; monas, single organism)   …

Algae; Importance

    IMPORTANCE OF ALGAE Beneficial Aspects                  Algae have following beneficial effects: Source of food and fodder: i) Some algae contain high amounts of minerals, proteins and oils so …

Algae; Reproduction

  REPRODUCTION Algae reproduce vegetatively, asexually and sexually VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION A part is detached from the plant body and develop into new plant. Vegetative reproduction may takes place by …

Algae; Thallus forms

VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE/ THALLUS ORAGANIZATION Thalli of algae show a range of organization starting from unicellular form to highly organized multicellular habit. The algal thalli are grouped into the following, …

Algae; Occurrence

Algae are mostly aquatic organisms. They are present in both fresh and marine water. Algae may also be: I. Epiphytes: These algae grow on the surface of other plants. …