Abdul Archive
Genus Penicillium belongs to Ascomycetes group of fungi and is well known for its importance in antibiotic (penicillin) and food (cheese, meet products) industry. The name Penicillium is derived from the latin word “penicillus” meaning brush, which refers to a …
The phylum Ascomycota (colloquially called ascomycetes) is by far the largest group of fungi, estimated to include more than 32000 described species in 3400 genera. It is assumed that the majority of ascomycetes has yet to be discovered, and the …
Classification: Division: EUMYCOTA Subdivision: MASTIGOMYCOTINA Class: OOMYCETES Order: PERONOSPORALES Family: ALBUGINACEAE Genus: ALBUGO OCCURRENCE: Albugo is an obligate parasite on a number of flowering plants. It is represented by 25 species. Albugo candida a common species responsible for the disease “white rust” …
Introduction: Rust diseases of wheat are among the oldest plant diseases known to humans. Early literature on wheat cultivation mentions these devastating diseases and their ability to destroy entire wheat crops. Since rust discovery, numerous studies have been conducted on …
It is one of the common disease of wheat caused by Ustilago tritici. Smut fungi belonging to order Ustilaginales are parasites both on monocots and dicots. Since they impart sooty appearance due to production of black spore mass they are …
Introduction: Red rot, caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, is one of the major diseases of sugarcane in the world. Symptoms: Red rot attacks the stalks, stubble rhizomes, and leaf midribs of the sugarcane plant. It may invade leaf-blade and leaf-sheath tissues and …
Introduction: Damping-off of seedlings, which is caused mostly by fungi, can be a complex of several diseases occurring separately or simultaneously. Most commonly, either Rhizoctonia or Pythium is involved. Botrytis, Sclerotinia, and Alternaria are also occasionally responsible for damping-off. Symptoms: …
Late blight is not only the most serious fungal disease of potatoes, it also occurs almost everywhere where potatoes are grown and is especially important in the traditional potato growing areas. On several occasions the disease has reached disastrous proportions. …
HOSTS White rust most commonly occurs on: field mustard (Brassica campestris L.), leaf or Chinese mustard (B. juncea Zerj, & Coss.), black mustard (B. nigra (L.) Koch), broccoli and cauliflower (B. oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), Chinese or celery cabbage (B. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.), rutabaga …