Abdul Archive
Let’s look at the pedigrees of disorders caused by rare recessive alleles of genes located on the X chromosome. Such pedigrees typically show the following features: Males are affected more 1. Many more males than females show the rare phenotype …
What pedigree patterns are expected from autosomal dominant disorders? Here the normal allele is recessive, and the abnormal allele is dominant. It may seem paradoxical that a rare disorder can be dominant, but remember that dominance and recessiveness are simply …
Many mutations show incomplete penetrance: not every individual with the genotype expresses the corresponding phenotype. Thus penetrance is defined as the percentage of individuals with a given allele who exhibit the phenotype associated wit many mutations show incomplete penetrance: not …
Carbon is the element that defines life, and as such it is everywhere. The exchange of elements between sources and sinks is referred to as flux. Carbon is present in reduced forms, such as methane (CH4) and organic matter, and in …
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Some Important Concepts
Occurrence Ectocarpus is a brown alga. It is abundantly found throughout the world in cold waters. A few species occur in fresh waters. The plant grows attached to rocks and stones along coasts. Some species are epiphytes on other algae …
Occurrence Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. It is found in clear, cool and running streams. Deep water plants are dark violet or reddish in colour. But the shallow water species are olive green. The intensity of light changes the colour …